Monday, August 9, 2010

Why this Jew is going to Uganda

I've been in Kansas City for nearly 14 months. I never could have expected what this year would bring. I left a community and I job I loved in Boston to follow my heart. It was scary and sad to leave--but it felt scarier and more sad to walk away from my relationship. So left and I leaped. I learned, however, that the relationship wasn't right--and I learned that I am willing to stand up for myself, to work hard, and to let go. I have even, in the past several months, discovered new love in Kansas City.

I initially wrote this post during Passover, and was inspired in many ways by the significance in the Jewish calendar of the particular approaching Shabbat. It occurs in the middle of Pesach, the holiday of redemption, liberation and risk. We read the Song of Songs (Shir Hashirim)--a love story that is often interpreted as an allegory for love for G-d. Rabbi Shefa Gold say that there are 10 Commandments about love we can learn from Shir Hashirim (

Two stand out to me:

"Thou shalt...risk everything in order to rise to the challenge of Love."

"Thou shalt be fully engaged, enjoying whatever it is that is before
thee now and learn to perceive the perfection behind this seemingly
imperfect world. The challenge of Love requires that we not hold
anything back. We are commanded to be fully engaged with Life, with
whatever we are experiencing at this very moment. This is what it
means to "Love God with all your heart and all your soul and all your

This fall, I am rising to a new challenge, fully engaging in an effort to "learn to perceive the perfection behind this seemingly imperfect world." I am traveling to Kampala, Uganda in October for two months. I am taking this unpaid sabbatical to clear my head, to love myself and others fully, to explore the world, and to make an impact in a part of the world where need is great.

I need your help. I'm going with the American Jewish World Service Volunteer Corps. They selected me for this trip because of the 5 years I've spent as a professional community organizer; they believe I have a skill set that will benefit a non-profit in Uganda. Learn more about the program:

AJWS will fly me to Africa, but they need me to pay for my living expenses. They estimate that it costs $1500/month to live in Kampala, where I'll likely be. Additionally, I need to cover my at home expenses (car payment, college loan payments, storage/rent for my belongings, cell phone, etc...) and the costs of traveling to East Africa (inoculations, travel insurance, etc). Will you please help contribute to my effort to better the world and myself by partnering with an NGO in East Africa for two months this fall? Any money I have left over after the two months will be contributed to my partner NGO. Please contribute at